Rotations and swaps
Order of placements in your rotation
You have been given a contract of employment with MFT for two years with the aim of providing the necessary clinical experience to allow you to satisfy the UKFPO Curriculum. In most cases, the posts you have been allocated will not change either in order or nature across the two years. However, in a programme with over 250 Foundation doctors, it is sometimes necessary to make changes. Examples would include changing the order of one doctor's F2 posts to allow someone else on the same track to avoid doing a GP placement first if they are training at 80% LTFT and are therefore still an F1 in August. There are many other valid reasons usually related to health. If we are required to make such changes, we will take all parties' views into consideration and look for alternative solutions, but it may still be required if there isn't a good alternative.
Swapping of posts
We are frequently asked if two Foundation doctors can swap a post on their respective tracks. Even if this is a mutual request, it cannot be accommodated. This is mainly due to the administrative burden it would cause for the trust and Deanery which would add up to many hours of additional work were all swaps to be allowed across MFT and the wider North West. This is a longstanding and inflexible rule enforced by the Deanery and applicable to all trusts hosting Foundation doctors in the Northwest.
Occasionally, we will advertise for a swap in specific circumstances. Examples include where we have a shortage of GP placement capacity and therefore ask for volunteers to swap from GP into a hospital placement, or where we have a Foundation doctor with particular EHW recommendations which mean they need an alternative post in their rotation. If we do need a swap, this will be advertised to all Foundation doctors who may be in a position to help.