Curriculum, HORUS and ARCP
Foundation Curriculum
Foundation Doctors are now following the UKFPO 2021 Curriculum. The ARCP Checklist below is essential reading to ensure that you pass your ARCP - please read in detail at an early stage. Please view the other resources below for further information. Useful information is also available on the UK Foundation Programe website. Your F2 colleagues, Educational Supervisor are your key human resources. The Foundation team is also available for any questions you may have.
Foundation Yearly Timeline - a list of when each form should be completed by
Click the Vimeo video below to see a talk from Steve Benington, Group FPD at MFT, re: the new Foundation curriculum and advice re: ARCP - please watch!
ARCP - Useful Resources
ARCP Frequently asked questions
Please click on this link for a list of FAQs and read through before contacting the Foundation team. If your question is not nswered here we can add to the list.
Top reasons for an unsuccessful ARCP
Click the link above to see the common errors that led to an Outcome 5 (insufficient evidence) at ARCPs in previous years- read and avoid the same mistakes!
Play the video below for a guide to reviewing a Foundation Doctor's HORUS portfolio for ARCP.
Play the video below for a panellist and chair guide to the ARCP process