Locum work

Locum shifts are becoming more common in Foundation programmes, driven by a number of factors including LTFT working and increased sickness absences.  The Deanery has guidance on locum working in Foundation training which is available here.

Please note the following important points:

While the Foundation team in general supports locum shifts to avoid rota gaps which put pressure on the rest of the team, trainees with a significant sickness absence record or where there are concerns re: meeting training goals may not be eligible for locum work. 

While there is no legal maximum number of locum shifts, MFT would not expect a Foundation doctor to ordinarily average more than one locum shift per month.  Excessive numbers of locum shifts raise the possibility of inadequate rest, compromising the health of the doctor and the safety of their patients.  If you are working/planning to work more than four locum shifts across a 4-month placement, this requires a discussion with your educational supervisor that is documented in your portfolio.